
By HareBrain

I got the ball first

What a perfect day full of things I like to do best: no work to go to and a lazy start to the morning - weather wise its been a beautiful blue and warm early October day. I did get to visit the Nature Reserve near to us this morning and had a walk all around the lake that used to be. The lake used to be there a few years ago but dried up a bit and became a damp meadow , but after all this rain there are signs of the lake appearing again. Round one of the bends came two very young Cocker Spaniels having a great time splashing through the water and seeing who could get the ball first.

There was so much to see on my walk. Buzzards thermalling, flashes of blue of the jays as they flew from tree to tree, and the constant chatter of magpies. A lovely butterfly posed nicely for me for a nano second and then shut her wings abruptly, as they do. Trees wearing their coats of many colours. Loads of elderberries ready for the picking and a few happy people all enjoying this gorgeous space.

Later on this afternoon Mr.T and I went over to see friends and their 32 day old daughter, Isla. I had precious cuddles - gorgeous.

Home late but just in time to post.

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