
November 11 is St. Martin's Day and all bakeries sell Martinsbrezeln.
It's a large sweet yeast dough brezel (unlike the usual salted lye dough brezel thats sold everywhere and any time of the year).

There are Martinsumzüge in all villages and cities on this day - processions with (in the best case) selfmade lanterns and a horse and of course St. Martin riding the horse and sharing his coat with the poor beggar. I really do like these traditions. I dislike calling them "lantern festivals" or anything alike and celebrating them on any other day than today.

Which is exactly what the nextdoors Kindergarten is doing this year: celebrating next Monday. As much as I dislike that - when I look out the window and see the pouring rain it would not have been much fun doing it today. Definitely no bon fire weather. I wonder if processions and bonfires were cancelled in other towns. It's nasty out there. Too bad for the all the children (and adults).
Me? I'm hanging on to my brezel and will be happy with it.

18:30; 10°C

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