Party time

We had a busy day. Ella and Nathaniel stayed the night so we were in the swimming pool by 9.30 this morning. They really enjoyed themselves. After that Mr C took them out to play on their scooter and the old go-kart while I made lunch.

I listened to Ella’s reading - yesterday big second-cousin Robbie had taught her how to read fast so she rattled along, then did her spellings which involved making up and writing sentences using the words.

By the time all this was done we had a rush to get ready for a party back near her house in town. Here they are ready to go. It was a disco with an entertainer. Enjoyed by her but horrendous for me. Luckily her mum arrived half way through to relieve me. (They’d had a great time at the 70th birthday party of the other Grandad).

I’m going to watch Strictly and treat myself to a White Lady, my favourite cocktail, to celebrate yesterday’s birthday!

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