
By LeeAnne


There are moments in life that make you glad to be alive...

I slept badly, I think I saw every hour last night and I'd gone to bed just before midnight. Still... when I woke up again at 6am I got out of bed and looked out the window. I could still see the stars so I put the kettle on and filled a flask of coffee, got my shit together and left the house at half six.

There's something nice about being out and about at that time of the morning, still dark but not many people around. I drove down to East Linton and stopped on one of the little roads I've cycled down with my folks. The scenery was very much worth the early start and as the sun came up I decided that life doesn't get much better than this! Well without a lottery win and a lot of nonsense that is!

I found field of hay and a farmer who's clearly as anal about order as I am and all his bales were neatly stacked in the corner of his field as the sun rose. You've no idea how much this pleases me. The cows were enjoying the sunshine too, there was frost on the grass in the shade and dew on the grass in the sun. I didn't see anyone else, there's something quite special about alone time in the middle of nowhere with the sun coming up and nowhere to be.

I did have somewhere to go though... I was waiting for the gym to open at 8.30am and I went in and swam my fifty lengths in 29 minutes... two minutes to shave off, three if I'm gonna beat my best time. Now I'm home, I have breakfast and coffee on the go, a washing on, a curry in the slow cooker and some crafty bits to finish from yesterday. DrMacBatts I hope you're proud!

Hope you all have a sunny Sunday.

Here's the rest of my sunny morning should you feel the urge to have a look.

191 sleeps!

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