My dad's camera.

My camera died yesterday.
And it made me start thinking of what sort of camera to get.
I loved the look of this when I was a child. Just look at the glass bobbles
around the lens. I expect there's a reason for them, but as a photo dunce
I can't even make a half decent guess.
My dad used this camera from when I was a baby, there are
hundreds of shots of me, he really loved photography.
I remember him always telling me to stand still, in the garden,
in the park, in the street, in the house. I would roll my eyes
and pull a face, not realising my widowed mum would now
own a box of photos of a child with a misshapen, gurning head.
If digital had existed then, I guess my dad would have erased them.
And all the 'perfect' ones kept. I think this is the danger of digital.
It encourages us to shoot without thought, because we can edit
so easily. Too easily.

Me as a 4 year old gurning like a toothless old man
are easily the best shots my dad ever took of me.

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