The Hooligan Trilogy

Series 1, Episode 2

Meet Abbie. She's 8 3/4 (that 3/4 is of the utmost importance don't y'know) and my middle child.

It's easy to forget that she is this age because there's only 14 months between her and her elder sister.

This child is under house arrest until at least..... 30?
A girly girl. She's like a magpie. Loves pretty shiny things.
Obsessed with make-up, nail polish, One Direction, and high heels...... and wants her ears pierced........I say NO, a lot.

She has a very strong personality and is ultra generous. She'd give you her last sweetie no problem at all.
Abbie loves to draw and sing.... and act..... and has a great imagination. She is a hugely loving child with a brilliant sense of humour and has the most infectious laugh.
She is by far the most 'vocal' of my girls, (although Neve is a very close second) and 'huffs' at least a trillion couple of times a minute day.
She is an expert at pushing buttons and practises this tactic particularly well on Fridays :) She likes very much to get a reaction and tries very hard to get the last word.
My mother says 'she's me over the back'....

How could you not love her :)

Ps: I haven't gotten around to commenting on yesterday's blip yet. I shall though :) Thanks to everyone for their comments, stars and the favourite :)

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