Road Into the Pine Barrens

My husband likes to jog in the woods, and I occasionally go on adventures with him. He runs. I hike, with camera, and see what there is to see. On this morning, we had talked about going to Bald Eagle State Park. But then we decided to stay closer to home, and so we just drove to the other end of our local state gameland, SGL 176, the Scotia Pine Barrens.

The near end of the Barrens is a short hike from our house. The far end is a short drive away, and it features a shooting range and a long, flat dirt road through scrubby pines. There are many scenes like this in northern Florida, which is what it reminds me of each and every time I see it, but then the road would be white sand instead of dirt.

The sky was blue at this moment, though white clouds would eventually encroach the sun. I am one who often crawls through the weeds to get interesting shots. But on this day, for the sake of avoiding ticks, I stayed out of the brush and brambles. Fortunately for me, there was plenty of interesting scenery along the road.

A soundtrack for this image: Bruce Hornsby and the Range, The Valley Road.

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