Ghost Train

Jen and I met up for a cuppa before she went off to Uni this morning, lovely to catch up.  It's been a very cold, overcast day so I got to grips with scanning in more family photos.  I've managed to compress three large albums into 33 pages of my online book so it's looking good for the project.

After tea it was time for Camera Club and this week we had a Practice Evening with several options available.  I opted to go out with a group to do some night photography.  We started at the illuminated Parish Church and then moved on to the bridge over the bypass at Treacle Cock Alley to capture light trails from the traffic passing underneath.  Finally we went to the station where I captured this ghost train going through.  I like that you can see the opposite platform and the railtracks through the train.
Then it was time for a warming cuppa before home.

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