Occasional Musings

By cookingisgood

Reach, Build, Send

We had a church family conference today, using the themes of:

Reach (to the 95% who don't go to church rather than the 5% who do - finding ways to engage which are relevant and not "other worldly" or viewed as "christian hypocrisy", giving people a genuine chance to ask questions and at least explore rather than apathy... if they choose)

Build (building up in faith, practical skills regarding what being a Christian means in our workplace, community etc etc) and

Send (sending people out to serve Christ in other settings).

There was loads of enthusiasm, input and ambition for 2009 - a good day.
It DID involve mindmaps, flipcharts and post-it notes (and also meant I saw no daylight as the area we used has no windows) so I'm afraid a mindmap is what you get!

Followed by visiting an ex-colleague who lost his mum between Christmas and New Year. It's obvious he's feeling bereft and lonely ... difficult...

Followed by bacon butties and good chat, which was a nice relaxing way to end the day.

Must attack the ironing pile before bed...

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