Right Time, Right Place

Appointment with The Herbalist today. I was worried I would have a panic attack talking about my anxious state and my attacks. But I didn't.  I did however cry - out of nowhere talking about Friend it just welled up and overflowed. Totally took me by surprise - I hadn't realised that depth of feeling still existed. The herbalist talked me through each decade of my life so all in all it was quite a litany and re-experience of the losses and lows in my life - exhausting. As well as the grief I realised I am holding a lot of anger still - particularly over my past boss and not so much what she did to me but what she did to other staff and in particular what she did to the provision and educational experience for the pupils.
How does one let anger and grief go? To deny it and let it fade is a dead end.  To work through it, how does one actually do that? Maybe acknowledging it and letting it go is the way? I have acknowledged it, but how to let it go? Hopefully the herbal tincture from The Herbalist will help me do that.

I came out and stopped to take a photo of the  lovely building The Herbalist works in when I heard my name being called. It was the lovely blipper Gilesey with the lovely Nibbler on their lunchbreak walk! I joined them for their walk in the park and waited with her as her toasted cheese sandwich was made, then walked back to Whitestuff with her to have a browse.  Ended up buying 6 felted angel mice in tutus in an egg box! I couldn't resist and with Gileseys staff discount a bargain! So I then bought myself some cakes - giant meringues in fact! 
Finally home and a snooze before finishing my fingerless mitten - why does everything I make come out small! Need bigger needles or looser tension. Ha! Ain't that the truth! 
My blip had to be Nibbler, there are two wild birds in the photo - one obvious, one not so! Nibbler didn't spot either! I loved the pigeon masquerading as a seagull with one seagull behind the pigeon looking at it as if to say "You are in my place!' Also love the colours of the last leaves - so extras it had to be! 

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