
By dennismccoy79

Morning mist.

We get two waves of mist up here, the first as the sun burns off the frost from the ground hereabouts.  The pic is the first mist.  The second mist rises up from the valley as we become shrouded in all the moisture driven off the land and drifting up from far below.  This stuff hangs around for an hour or so, sometimes longer if the sun isn't strong.  Today was such a day.  So we did indoor jobs this morning.  Then we had a surprise visitor whose brains we were able to pick on motorhomes.  By the afternoon, the sun was shining and we spent a few hours outside grass cutting and clearing up the garden in preparation for departure.  I was supposed to do a telephone interview mid-afternoon, but they cancelled at the last moment, leaving me more time to spend in the sun.

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