secret garden

By freespiral

Slow & easy

Dull and grey but I'm working hard on a new project which has to really be done by Christmas, not that I needed another project but I had a good idea! Anyway, top secret and apologies for not much blip activity at the moment.

I did have time for a bit of work in the garden and felt distinctly like St Francis - accompanied by a fox, a robin, a blue tit, something very small and beige and a watchful heron.

I also went for a quick a yomp around the circuit and as you can see it's life in the fast lane down here!

Art house last night and a very unusual film about the Chilean poet/communist/activist Pablo Neruda, called, appropriately enough, Neruda . I have to confess to not knowing much about him but he was a very influential figure and the film focused on the poetic dreaminess and layers of his writing. We were never sure if one of the central characters was real or not. Good chips too.

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