
By GirlKojak


(Back-blipped on 07 October)

Many women were there [at the crucifiction], watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs.
(Matthew 27:55, NIV Bible)

From the different Gospel accounts it appears that there were no less than four Marys at the crucifiction, including Jesus' mother and Mary Magdalene, as well as other women. It was also two Marys that discovered the empty tomb. When you look for it there are actually frequent references to Jesus' female supporters in the Bible, even if they are not always named.

It was impossible to read the full inscription on this grave as this cross had been broken off and was standing in front of the words. However I could see that the person it commemorated was called Mary, which is presumably the reason for the subject. I thought it was rather a beautiful subject, in a graveyard of very ordinary (if boastful!) headstones.

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