Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Oooooooo Ducky!

"That's my Grandma's bum that is. It's covered in Duck Poo!!!! How did she get Duck Poo on it when we were feeding them from the other side? Such questions are quantum physics and hilarity to a wee lad."

In other news, we stopped at a small woodland café for hot choccy and stickies. Friends arrived at the same time with their four girls and a son. Our lad was suddenly besotted by the very elegant elder girl. I quietly pointed this out to her parents. Much adult snickering. The girl had spotted this 41/2 year old gigolo and as we left she looked him up and down, rolled her eyes in disdain and left six adults in hysterics. Such is the path of the stricken. So like his Grandpa.

Much funnier large

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