Catablog 25!!

Hello folks, it’s been a while so I thought I’d pop by and say hello to you all!

And it’s been a while since my Lady In Waiting has paid me much attention! For the last ten days or so I’ve hardly seen hide nor hair of her, so this morning I did my best to glue myself to her lap. As you can see, I kept one eye open just in case she decided to nip off and abandon me again!

A message from my LIW to you all: this afternoon she managed to catch up with your kind comments on her November journal entries, but ran out of time to go back any further into October, so she would like to say a big thank you for your stars and hearts, and any comments that went unanswered in October. 

Of course, I took advantage of my LIW sitting at the computer, and I’m hoping there’ll be a cosy, warm lap available for cuddles this evening as well. Hope you all have a cosy, cuddly evening too!

=^.^= Toffee

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