To See it & Remember

By Nicandvic

Pumpkin Scrumping

Not sure where these 2 thought they were going to hide them!!

Nice day out at Calke Abbey. Managed to taste apples, currants, mulberrys, but no plums they'd all gone.

Home now feeling sad.

We had a lovely day out with Graeme and Evie, she's 5 days older than Victor and lost her mum last year. Met Graeme through WAY foundation, only met a couple of times, but good chatting with someone who "gets it". As Victor grows up he'll know he's not the only one without a parent, as it all seems so different than being a single parent. I don't feel single I feel like a double parent - both mum & dad. However I think Victor is more than lucky he's also got 4 wonderful Grandparents that are so involved. Nothing will make up for the loss of his Daddy though - we all do the very best we can.

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