The Ivy

Went for a beautiful walk along the canal this afternoon. The local hostelry was very busy, mainly because it was their annual beer festival!

I know it's always popular, having sampled their special brews on more than one occasion when the festival is underway, as well as pulling pints behind the make-shift bars, which it has to said, has its advantages and I'm sure you can work them out for yourself!

Way too many blips to choose from today, such was the afternoon, so this was my final choice, but only by a whisker. If I'd have spent any longer choosing one then I'm sure it would have been something different.

Another meeting of the Photographic Society tomorrow evening with perhaps a more social, if not competitive, feel to it tomorrow, as several clubs come together for a bit of a photographic stand-off... with buffet! And our lot are providing the buffet. That includes me!

Now then, what is my signature dish?
I just have so many...!

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