this luminous life.

By Laura

Fortune Faded.

Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Decided to post extra early today. I don't often receieve fortune cookies this early in the day. This fortune seems pretty appropiate, though--considering it's the beginning of the month and I've been feeling somewhat lonely/re-evaluating my friends. I'm hoping that new people become a part of my life... or that I grow closer to people I don't know very well yet. I'm trying to become a better person. It's not that I'm terrible person or anything, I just think life could be a lot better if I try to maintain a positive attitude more often. Also, I am craving Benihana. Too much talk of chopsticks and fortune cookies this morning... I hope the rest of the day goes well!

(Also, fortune cookies don't 'come true' unless you eat part of the cookie before reading the fortune. I ate the whole cookie before reading this.)

edit: aw, look what shaun decided to do for his blip today.

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