WildPlace Blips

By WildPlace

Cardingmill Valley

A very murky day. Why is it that every time I bring Mr. WP to see the wonders of Shropshire that the mist descends? Still, we managed a wee bit of walking.

I love Cardingmill Valley and have so many wonderful memories of both my own childhood trips there but also time spent there when my own children were little. Sometimes i'd pick them up from school and say "come on kids we're going on a picnic!" And they'd spend the late afternoon and summer's evening running around and playing in the stream (always had to remember to pack towels and dry socks).

It's half term here this week and I was really happy to see children running around, splashing about in the stream, getting wet and dirty and chasing each other, brandishing sticks - real playtimes. Maybe there is hope for the world after all...

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