Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Peru Vs. Morocco?

I freely admit to being a bit of a label reader;
I don't know what came over me this time.

I'm kind-of addicted to Anchovies and more get eaten than cooked also a, nearly inveterate, label reader … … …
(another) BUT
I seldom carry either to this extent.
On the left - globe trotting Anchovies; Caught by Peru, in the Pacific Ocean, hurled across to Spain to be packed, and finally hurled to the land of Brit to be used.
On the right Anchovies caught by Morocco in the, much nearer, Atlantic Ocean, packed somewhere in secret and shot off to Brit for use.
ODD - At least twice.
1. It is, apparently, cheaper to whisk them halfway round the world than catch them what passes these days for "locally".
2. "We" tend to think "own brands" are cheaper than known labels.
On the left an, albeit relatively, unknown, name; at 2.63P per gram
On the right an "Own brand"; at 3.72P per gram.
As them-over-there are wont to say:- "Go figure".

I am heartily pleased I don't make a habit of it.


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