Sand Painting

Bought in Myanmar, now hanging above my desk, today's emergency shot due to grey, wet weather and inability to shoot anything outside.

Woke up past 12.00 with no regrets, made coffee/tea and breakfast, then went back to bed and finished that book -- what a cozy story it was!

Later on, hubby's bridge partner R dropped by for an hour or two and helped hubby reconnect his laptop again with WiFi (it is supposed to go wirelessly but that's not happening).  While they were busy, drove over to the old house and cleared whatever was in the mailbox (all ads and not much anyway, but still ...) and then did some errands.  Got back home and hubby made dinner, then I settled down with my genealogy.  Short of breath with some coughing but otherwise okay.

THANK YOU for all the stars for yesterday!  Doing my best to visit but by far not enough, I know.

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