Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Once A Week 2017 ~ #41 ~ 2:00 PM

Those of you who are paying close attention will notice that this particular version of my weekly photo was taken a good deal later than usual. That is because although I did take a photo as I returned home at about 11:00 AM this morning, I decided to take another when I walked down to get the mail. Mostly because the sky was prettier by then. The bonus was - in addition to some blue sky - those three bird shaped clouds chasing each other through the blue!

The leaves are basically off all the trees now except some of the oaks, which seem to hold their leaves for some reason. You might notice that our across the street neighbors have no noticeable leaves on the ground? Well. At least twice now we've heard the guy who tends to the groundskeeping over there using a leaf blower. One afternoon when I went down for the mail he was down there where there's a deciduous tree closest to where the driveway curves furthest to the left before going right and up the hill - blowing the leaves into the sort of gully that those trees sit on the edge of. What. The. Heck. Who does that with a place of this size? Besides - fallen leaves = good for the soil! Nature's own fertilizer/mulch! Sheesh. 

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