
By JustSally

Work in progress

A dark damp day today. The lights are on, Coco keeps looking out of the cat flap and then changing her mind, and I've been wandering about indoors, looking for something to blip!

I've got bored with the embroidery I've been doing for the past few months, so even though it isn't finished I've gone on to something else for a while. I found the ends of two spools of yarn, left over from knitting scarves. I've no idea how much is left, but I'm hoping that by using huge needles, I can produce a lacy scarf to brighten up a plain neckline. I think it looks quite good already. It should only take a couple of evenings and then it's back to the embroidery. I haven't been able to knit for the past eighteen months - kittens and knitting don't go well together, but I'm hoping she's quiet enough now. I'll let you know!

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