
By AnthonyBailey

Ada Salter: Quaker, Socialist, Pacifist


... 'Ada and her husband Alfred were founders of the first branch of the young Independent Labour Party (ILP) in Bermondsey.  In 1909, Ada stood as their sole candidate in the elections for the borough council.  She was successful and became the first woman elected to a borough council in London.  In 1911 the whole working population of Bermondsey went on strike for better employment conditions.  Ada organized free meals for the women and children.  She did this again in the General Strike of 1926.

The First World War (1914-1918) was a challenge to the Salters who were committed pacifists.  Their home was attacked by stone throwing mobs and they were threatened and abused for their anti-war stance.  Even some of the people that they had regarded as friends turned against them.  Ada gave many hours to the work of the No-Conscription Fellowship.  She and Alfred also allowed their new home Fairby Grange in Kent to be used as a convalescent home for conscientious objectors who had been badly treated in prison.'

Ada Salter, 1866-1942

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