Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Cheeky boy!

I'm feeling much better today despite the lack of sleep - I'm sure Henry knows that he's staying with granny on Monday nights because he usually plays up on Sunday night! He spent about 2 hours trying to clutch onto my nipple and getting cross when I wouldn't let him.

I'm working these horrible twilight shifts this week and I've got to do a presentation for next week so I'm going to try to get that done.

Today's blip was taken this morning before mum and dad picked Henry up - he was being very cheeky and kept taking his pyjama bottoms off! I think he's going to be one of those children who likes to run around naked once he's figured out how to get his vest off. Then I was trying to sort the washing out and he was trying to get up the stairs with a book in his hand but couldn't quite coordinate himself, luckily he had only gone up 2 steps and can just about manage to get himself down.

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