
Dr's today for blood results. Seems I'm deficient in Vitamin D, cholesterol up, and  Alkaline Phosphates high.  So another blood test to look at possible auto-immune possibilities and a liver scan. Not cancer however - I asked! Since I rarely drink and am vegetarian and have a healthy diet and drink Kefir daily thanks to  HarlingDarling sending me some grains,  I'm not sure how I can tackle the cholesterol issue. The cheeses I eat are already low cholesterol but  I do have a sweet tooth so guess that's where I can make some changes! The Dr I saw was the one who treated Friend, so she knew what it had been like for her and could understand my current anxious state. She asked if I would like bereavement counselling, well I was crying when I spoke of Friend!   I said yes -  but seems I would have to phone them myself. Think I will find an independent one, I can then chose someone and their approach that suits, and will save me having to wait. 
I came out feeling fine and stopped to buy milk to feed my kefir. As I was looking for some custard to go with the comforting Sticky toffee pudding I had picked up, I  realised the error of my ways and put the pudding back and bought pears and dates instead! I then took myself for a little walk around the old mining works, the wind was really picking up and the wind turbine that powers the Visitors Center was spinning around madly! 
Once home I rang my sister who told me about a colleague of hers taking early retirement after the Dr told her she had high cholesterol,  and that it was probably due to the stress she was feeling because of work. Now I had asked the Dr if my anxiety could be causing my problems but she said no! So a bit of a google search later and I found this evidence on stress and cholesterol, and then this on the impact of stress on the liver:-  

"The authors noted that the
link between liver disease and stress needs to be
identified so that “physicians and other healthcare
practitioners would be better able to treat liver
disease by helping their patients learn coping and
relaxation skills."

It all makes sense to me! So meditation, yoga and Tai Chi are so going to be done daily! 

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