Mr. and Mrs. T-Rex

For over 4 years I have visited the peregrine falcon who hangs out on this water tower. In all of that time, I have only seen him fly once - and then he only did a lazy circle and came back to the tower. Today, tho, I had barely taken one picture when he flew away. I was so surprised - I guess I thought we had a deal.
But then I looked back at the tower and he was still there. And then his friend came back - there are 2!
I have always thought it was odd that a single bird would stay in the same place for so long, but its hard to believe that I’ve never seen them together as many times as I’ve been there.
As if this wasn’t amazing enough, while I was taking pictures of the falcons, I heard a kingfisher at the retention pond next to the tower and got some pretty good shots of him, too (note to self: Siri, do peregrine falcons eat kingfishers?)
Oh, and the moon, too.
It was a pretty fantastic 15 minutes - more so because I know it will never happen again, if that makes any sense.

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