knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1


It's been a lovely day outside. As usual I spent a fair bit of it inside.
First of all I had a catch up with a friend I haven't seen for ages, which was great.
Then hauled the dogs up the hill and watched a big navy type ship going out to sea.
This afternoon I went into the school to talk to Thom's year about weaving. It was a bit of a whirlwind talk in my usual disorganised way but they seemed to enjoy it. I then showed them in a couple of groups how the loom worked. They were all really interested and they loved playing with the loom to see what different patterns you could make. It was great when one of the kids said that the shuttle looks like a boat as it showed they were paying attention. So I got them to sail the boat along the warp threads and make sure it didn't do any submarine diving through them.
It keeps amazing me how much kids love seeing things being made and how they love to take part in it. I really wish they got more chances to make things in school like how we did back in the day.
This blip is of Thom beating the cloth while finishing off the piece of cloth the kids made. He doesn't do much yarny stuff at home as his attention span never copes, but he did well finishing off the weaving and he's going to take it into school for his class to keep.
I then got him to do some needle felting and he's made a teddy for his teddy bear, and I made a strange looking one too. It helped to alleviate the guilt of teaching other kids stuff but not my own.

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