
By Transitoire

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Spent another day inside ill, then deteriorated to a point that I needed to call a doctor. The French medical system is quite strange - you need a carte vitale with which you can get back the money you paid to the doctor/pharmacist...don't see why they don't just have it free, as everything you pay for is paid back to you!

However, as a stranger to these lands, I do not possess this amazing card as it is en cours; meaning that the application form has been submitted, but not yet processed. So my bill today was around 40 euros. Not bad though, considering...
- SOS Médecin was called, which means you get a doctor coming right to where you live to examine you
- I got numerous amounts of drugs (which will hopefully make me better!) and paperwork to fill in - shown on this photograph here
- I got referred to get a blood test to make sure the diagnosis is right (done, results in a few days sent by post)
- If the drugs don't make me better I have a referral to the hospital for an ultra-sound on my torso to make sure there isn't something seriously wrong
As I said, not too bad.

The highlight of my day was probably the now very guilty face of the secretary in the foyer, now realising that on Thursday (when I told her I was ill) I was actually genuinely not well and she laughed in my face. She is now as nice as pie to me, even asking how I was feeling, whether I needed anything, was I settling in okay and the like but I'm not sure that it's going to last! Enjoying this am I now committing Schadenfreude?

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