Benson Knott

Today's the day .......................... to anticipate

Bring it on - we're ready!

We woke to a lovely cold and frosty morning with a bit of the white stuff on top of Benson Knott.  The welsh dragon is now standing rampant over the valley - and we have the prospect of (hopefully) some good rugby ahead of us.

At this point in the day, we can live in hope that the dragon will give the mighty All Blacks a run for their money.  Who knows - tries could be scored, kicks kicked and all the rest?  Let's just hope that the score is an interesting one.  Will has already had an early morning exchange with Rainie - or at least, it was evening for her.  We know that she and Doug will be up early to watch the game from their side of the globe - a lovely thought.

A world anticipating in union ....................... 

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