Jax and co.

By indusriver


Was it unlucky that I received a punctured wheel just when I was on my way to pick Sienna up from school?

Or lucky...that?
A kind person noticed and informed me before I had driven off?
That where I was packed was quiet and flat and spacious for changing a tyre?
That my friend just happened to be driving past Sienna's school so she could pick her up for me?
That she just so happened to be driving on to where we were parked so could bring her to me?
That Steve wasn't away with work or in a meeting so could come help change the tyre?
That the missing nut opener was the same one that he had in his car?
That the view while all this was going on was over a river?
That it wasn't raining???!!!

Feels like a lucky day to me!

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