
By markruskell

80,000 pages of progress

In Brussels for Scottish Parliament meetings tomorrow so took some free time to visit the House of European History today.

Incredibly moving exhibition over six floors telling the collective story of European people from the early revolutions to the present day. Often told from the perspective of ordinary people there are many original artefacts, interactive graphic and audio visual installations to get lost in.

Lots of images stick in my mind. Just one was this print out of every single EU law. It's 80,000 pages long stretched across this huge table.

Given the context of Europe's history of citizens movements that have successfully fought for equality, peace, democracy and justice these pages represent our collective progress.

Rights to work, equality, free movement, trade and protection for our environment and health all enshrined in these laws.

Now the process of Brexit will bring these provisions into UK law. What will be lost? What will come to Scotland under devolution? There is a lot at stake.

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