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This is a difficult post as it is about who isn't in the picture. Every night about 10 people sleep rough on the streets of Belfast, mostly young males. They are subject to all sorts of abuse, from violence to degrading acts (urination), and include being set on fire. Some have died. In 2017. In the "first world". In this place I call home. The picture shows a discarded blanket, all the kept the 2 degree night from the rough sleeper. He is now seeking warmth somewhere, before facing another night under his blanket. The pitch is a personal choice, beside the bank ATM, perhaps because it is where people might feel guilty withdrawing cash the cynics say. But maybe because it has a doorway and offers protection and is in an area where activity continues until the wee small hours and there is often a police presence. I don't know who the owner is of what the back story is. I only know that a homelesss charity,  the Simon Community, once advertised the fact that we are all only 3 pay checks away from becoming potentially homeless. a SOBERING THOUGHT. So, a thought for those less fortunate when you do come upon them. Set your prejudices aside for a moment and see them through the eyes of compassion and not disgust. It could change both you and them, for ever.

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