
By TBay


I found this pretty Minton tea service in a local charity shop a few days ago. It was sooooo cheap that I decided to buy it and the eBay it. On arrival Home my suspicion was correct and in fact it is a rather expensive service and is quite sort after on China replacement sites. Ha ! A chance to make a few pennies. Not. Mrs V arrives and upon seeing this tea service announces that she LOVES it and would do anything for a tea service like this. Darn it! Now will be giving it to her for Christmas and any thought of a quick buck are long gone!!

Farming- Usual action on the compost hauling front. A rather cold and dank day not conducive for much else to be done!

Mr Tbay and myself have however cracked the Xmas cards and they are all done. Yipeeeeeee!! So pleased about this.

Finally I think it is such lovely news that Harry is to marry Megan Markle. She will make a stunning Bride.

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