My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd

Sadness at the Vet's

I took Stanley to the Vet's today for his 6 monthly Flea Jab.
We cannot give him Advocate Pipette as he gets very cross & scratches us, therefore he has the Flea Jab.
While waiting to see the Vet 2 ladies came in, one lady was holding a bundle in a carrier bag, crying her eyes out. Bless.
She had just witnessed a HIT & RUN of a poor cat. :(
Please people get your animals Micro-chipped, this poor cat was not micro-chipped so a bit more difficult to find it's owners. :(

Stanley also had a Worming Tablet where the Vet used a Pill Giver, so I asked if they sold them. Yes they do, so I bought one. :) Wish me luck giving them to the cats. Smoochi loves her worming tablets they're like chews.

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