Roly's Life

By Roly

Mono Monday - Romance

What have a head torch, trainers and an iPod got to do with romance?

A satisfying day at work which is a relief after the fun and games of last week. Home fired with enthusiasm to start getting ‘ski fit’. I have decided to try C25K with some Shred in between run days.

So while Smallest was at his swimming lesson, MrRoly came with me round the pitch black point at a fairly slow and lollopy Wk1 Run1 (he runs regularly so barely broke sweat). He picked me up when I fell over (it was VERY dark) and put up with my inane chatting. To round it all off, when we got home again, he got tea ready while I showered and recovered!

I know a lot of people think romance is all flowers, chocolates and big gestures but I much prefer the little acts of kindness and thoughtfulness. What MrRoly did for me tonight was true romance!

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