India Presentation

Had to drive to Delft this morning to view an hour-long film on Gujarat, one of the Indian states.  It was put together by a couple who were there earlier this year and wanted to share their travels with us.  It was held at the office of our travel agent.  There's no business on Saturdays and instead they're open as a kind of 'travel café' where one can simply walk in, browse around, and maybe meet the owner and have a chat.  This Gujarat film-viewing was organized for any interested parties and, of course, I signed up at once.  It was originally supposed to start at 14.00, but then St. Nick was scheduled to arrive at that time, too, with a lot of noise and distraction, so our get-together was moved up to 11.00, and I arrived just in time.  When it was finished, I lingered to give the owner our own planned itinerary for next year; not to Gujarat, though, but to Karnataka, which I've had my eye on for some time, plus hubby is a bit curious about Mumbai.  No rush, I said, as it's for NEXT winter, but it wouldn't hurt to have an idea about expenses, and perhaps by spring I could make a down payment or something.  No problem.  It'll be the sixth time we're arranging a tour with them, they are so good.

Back home, it was time for some housekeeping.  There's nothing like the basic tasks to keep one's feet firmly on the ground.

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