
By FarmerGirl

Will it rain?

It's hard to believe that at the beginning of November we had snow on the mountains surrounding the township, and today we hit a temperature of 30 degrees C.  Just too hot.  We haven't had any rain for about 3 weeks now, and with temperatures in the high 20's, the ground is starting to crack up.

The paddock in the foreground is chicory which was planted about 3 weeks ago, and hasn't had rain on it since.  If we could get a bit of the wet stuff, the the crop would just take off.

The last couple of nights we've had very black skys up the valley.  We can see the rain, hear the thunder and see the lightening, and as it slowly comes down the valley, it just doesn't quite make it to our farm.

We have started feeding supplements out to our cows tonight, due to the grass not growing.  Looking at the positive side, we are very lucky to have the supplement to feed out.  

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