
By RosInAus

Frequent Flyer Wagtail

Wagtails seem to live in so many parts of the world - as with sparrows, they have the knack of fitting in easily.

I took a short drive before breakfast (!) to a lookout point high above Maleny and took a handful of pics, but the sky was hazy and the results not great. It's only 10 minutes' drive away so I'll try another clearer day.

Back in the town of Maleny on my way to pick up a few offers from the local supermarket, I spotted this wagtail (Rhipidura leucophrys) near the town centre, snapping up a few bargains of its own.

This is a short mp3 file of an Aussie wagtail's song - if you'd like to put a voice to the beak then CLICK HERE

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