Housewife's Choice

By christilou

Baby Feet......

I'm really just back blipping lately.  The reason being is that we have been having our kitchen gutted over the last month and we are trying to live in the dining room but it's not really working.  Everything is in the wrong place.  The fridge is in the the conservertory, the only working tap is in the utility room and the kettle is in the dining room :)  Right now we've all had enough and I feel that I should document this at least despite having no current photos to add.  I'm heartily sick of microwave meals, tonight it's instant porridge in the measuring jug with a nectarine thrown in ..... I managed to get about half way through.  Lucy is now almost three weeks old and we've not seen a lot of her, mainly because I can rarely leave the house if the workmen are here and the only couple of times they brought her here, they were frightened that Little B might savage her and deathly afraid of germs/glue/paint/dust  and so they left pretty smartly.  Apparently little Lucy has kept them up for the past three nights.  It would seem that she only likes to feed from the breast and fall asleep there.  The moment they try to move her into her crib she screeches..... I'm sure it will all be lovely in the end.  Tomorrow brings the floor tiler, apparently we cannot walk on the tiles until the following morning ..... which leads me to wonder how we are going to be able to get any water into the kettle from the utility room.

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