My Eye is in There!

This photo is 24 hrs past surgery.  I am developing one, colorful black, blue, and red eye.  But I don't care, because the eye is in the socket, I can see around the bandage, though it is fuzzy and in time I will even be able to put my glasses back on to see.  The stitches where they open up the are visible below the tape and run all the way up to my eyebrow.  
     I am really happy that things have worked out so well, and the time it takes to heal the least important thing to worry about.  The eye is still in there and intact.  I am thanking the Lord and my lucky stars for  this good fortune and health!
     I do want to apologize for not visiting your journals the last couple of days....  seeing has been fuzzy and when you couple it with the inability to wear my reading glasses, I have really hard pressed to focus on anything, never mind read and type!

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