
By nate29482

MLK Jr.'s Birthday

Had the day off from work, wanted to go snowboarding, but couldn't find anyone to go with so I got more errands done at my apt. Cleaned up all my cords and discs laying around. Did core from p90x and ummm that's about it. Time to read a book and watch a movie.

Oh yeah and my server is back too 100% (phew!) for a whole day now. I have a raid5 server and a hard drive went bad (first time I've had that happen), but I was able to replace the drive and rebuild the data w/no data loss. The cool thing about RAID5 is even if a hard drive has gone bad you can still access all the data on the array and the people accessing the server have no idea that there's a major problem going on the background.

Blip is of smokey, she hasn't moved since I woke up (at noon!).


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