Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos


Since I left work this evening I have done a minor food shop as I will have guests I tomorrow night (my Kiwi friends).  I completely forgot about our Christmas party when I said come up on Friday night.  They are happy however to mind the hounds and let me party so the least I could do was have dinner ready for them.  That was cooked tonight together with some nibblies, dips and so on made.  The hounds were walked, the bed linen changed, a wash done, two loads of the dishwasher, the cape for the costume made (see that was a clue) and a general tidy up of the house as one does when one has guests coming.  These canoodling galahs were seen on the hounds walk.  Maybe they are gossiping or maybe one is whispering sweet nothings into the others ear.

Now not one of you guessed what villain I am going as tomorrow although someone came close so the competition is still open if you feel like it.

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