Tractors are Cool!

Today we enjoyed a cracking stroll along a wee back-road between the Kincardine Bridge and the village of Airth. Good and level so easy on the sciatic hip, through fields and over a humpy- backed bridge then along the top of a flood dyke on the river bank. We saw hundreds of geese but Maggie has beaten me to it with them.
So, backtracking to this morning, we dropped in to see Ali & Euan and to help with a couple of tasks. While Maggie was filling a planter, she gave Euan a small gardeners fork and he now has a new word "Dig!" to be said with vigour while jabbing the monobloc with the wee fork. Planter done, we went in doors and Euan showed us a new toy tractor - not unlike the real one he sees when we take him out for a walk.
Another good sunny day but I suspect it will be chilly again tonight so wrap up if you are out and about.

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