Happy Bumping!

Another trip to the Dr's for the blood test and another stop at the post office  where I bumped into The Painter Masako. I had been unable to go to her exhibition in the summer so it was good to see her. She had been meaning to come visit me to see her paintings hanging for a long time and we joked about that and she suddenly said " I'll visit you this afternoon!" Bit of a fait accompli on her part! So she went for her Reflexology appointment and I went on to the Co-Op!  I then rushed home and gave the house a quick tidy!
She arrived just as I'd finished bearing gifts - flowers and a lovely heart with wings from The Limekiln Gallery in the village. Her Reflexologist works in the village and I realised I knew her! I'd done Tai Chi with her husband who is a dancer and they had both come into my old school once on an Arts week about China! Small world / village!
 I had gave her a tour of the house and her paintings, plus her pottery, I have a teapot of hers bought long before I met her in person! She  declared how she would love to paint some of my clothes and how she still paints the feathers I had given her from Milly and Tilly. We chatted all afternoon about health and  Friend over peppermint tea and cookies! When she left with cuttings from my Queen of the Night and Jade plant, she  invited me to hers for dinner sometime - I've eaten at hers before and oh she makes delicious Japanese food! 
The blip is of the pub in the  village before mine, where I had stopped to get some veg for the hens at the stall.  As you can see it was a cold grey day but I just loved view with the red pub sign and the enormous tree.

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