
The lunch guests were yesterday, but the soup is today.
There was just enough left over for 2 bowls for His Lordship’s and my lunch, which was rather guilding the lily after our free M&S afternoon birthday tea which we ate at elevenses time this morning. Well there is no rule about when you can consume the offer of sandwiches, and scones with jam and clotted cream. It did feel a bit odd though to contemplate eating the sandwiches at 10:30am so we brought them home.

The trip into town was managed without coming into contact with any part of the Christmas Market. This was a definite plus even as we watched in amazement the chair-o-plane appear to swing inches away from Sir Walter and his tall Scott monument. It is possible to imagine the scene if one of the chairs flew off in his direction........

His Lordship and I rode on the one that was situated in St Andrew Square a few years ago and enjoyed it hugely. I remember being so eager to get a blip of Edinburgh from up aloft, that I was not at all fearful of the height and swing of the machine. Maybe I failed to experience the whole screaming intensity of it.

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