Big Hill

By bighill

Another day....another view.

well things are progressing .... slowly....but definitely getting better every day! I've had 2 physio appointments, the first one was tough but not unbearable, the 2nd one was a little tougher....she added 2 lb weights to my ankle.....but it was still doable. it wasn't till later on, about an hour after the physio that i began feeling quite a lot of pain and a general ache all over my whole leg!!! but the physiotherapist is a dear, she's not aggressive, as i've heard some are, believes in taking it slowly and steadily....she's a sweetheart for sure.

we have the 2nd meditation retreat here this weekend and once again there are about 18 or so folks here for each meal....thankfully it is done in silence, until dinner this evening, which tends to get a bit energetic! it's lovely to see old friends and meet some new ones......and i'm being waited on hand and foot...which is very lovely, even if a bit strange. but i'm accepting all the help i can get....and feeling a bit more independent each day!

walking every couple of hours for about 10 minutes is good therapy and soon it will be time for my 2nd round of exercises!

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