Karaoke Carnage

I don't remember if we had Karaoke in the 70's, I suspect not. In the 1970's we had a 'Music Centre' which resembled a small wooden sideboard and was stuffed with a record player, radio and maybe if you were posh a tape player. Times were simple. Didn't stop my folks and their friends from having a good time though.

Fast forward 40 years and we turned the clock back to those halcyon days. Although Pomagne was replaced by Champagne, the Watney's party 7 by some lovely Adnams ales and the Mateus Rose by a selection of fine wines. Sarah also made some Harvey Wallbangers which added a level of healthiness to the proceedings.

It was excellent although I can hardly talk this morning as my throat feels like Bonnie Tylers after 90 Rothmans. I'm sure my singing was pitch perfect though.

I will be spending the rest of the day on strike, having a power cut and sitting in a queue for petrol.

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