December Sunset

Winter has categorically begun and of course it's possible to have clear skies in December, but for the Dutch that's not something they consider 'normal'.  I was lucky to leave the building just at the right moment.  This was shot on my way back to the car.  Need to mention here that while I've opted more often to park in the parking garage next to the school (with its terrifically expensive fees), I still do my best to look for a free area outside.  The one I normally use is now being reconstructed and can only take about half the capacity it used to have, so I simply drove further to the next apartment block, about 300 meters further.  On a good day, and if I'm not running late, it means a good brisk walk in the cold, which is about 5000 steps or something like that.  I think.  Today was such a day and this is a nice reward for my efforts.

A grey week at work.  One class had the notion that I had cancelled classes for the rest of the block, which had colleagues scrambling to confirm with me if that was true because the class rep had apped everyone.  I had to clarify that this wasn't the case.  Then another colleague asked me if I had been ill as I had missed the morning class on Tuesday.  I had to clarify that two road accidents were the cause of my unexpected tardiness (which the students interpreted as absence) and there wasn't anything to worry about.  I am not amused with these goings on.  I think it'll be a grey weekend, both outside and inside.

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