through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes

These are my favorite moments with my little family.

Us in our pajamas, and nothing else planned for the day.

I have a lot to learn from this man.
How he can be so patient, kind, and understanding.
To trust in God and when to surrender.
That sometimes it is really okay to just... take it slow.

Through this first year of our marriage, sometimes it annoyed me that he can be all that instead of like me. Me, who is hasty to certain unwise decisions. Me, who thinks everything should be done as soon as possible even when all the pieces are not there. Me, who does not know how to let go completely.

So, sometimes, when my stubborn ways end up hurting him, I get mad at myself. And it forces me to take a step back.

And that step back forces me to look at this man in a new light. Through His eyes. Again and again and again.

We are both broken.
But we are both also made new through Him.

Again and again and again and again.

Marriage is a battle. A war. I read that once in a devotional. Not a fairy tale, even though sometimes it will feel like it.
And it's true.

It's an endless fight between choosing to renew your love for your spouse again and again, or choosing not to.

And the not to is the easier choice, because you are then not required to be kind, loving, merciful, or understanding.

I made my vows.

And I will fight for them
with my God as my strength,

again and again and again.

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